City Folk
City Folk was the second Animal Crossing game that I played. I played it on the Wii back in 2012 I think. It did a lot of new things for the series, including introducing Kicks, Phineas (Phineas and Ferb, anyone?) and the city area. I remember mucking up a lot in the game when I used to play it.
Kicks sold the least necessary thing in an Animal Crossing game ever - Shoe- shining services. Oh, the joyful days I spent giving him all my bells so that he could change the colour of my shoes. I miss them so much.
Did you know that the colour your shoes changed to depended on their style and the gender of your character? I did not. I just knew that shining shoes was the most important thing in the world, chum.
I also tried to get stung by wasps as much as possible. I'm not sure what was going on with that.
That's basically all I did in the game, so I'll end this article here. Kids do weird things.